I am not going to sit and spout out all the reasons why eating meat isn't healthy; can be quite dangerous; and frankly, is a very cruel way of living. However, if someone asks me, I will certainly share what I know. This thanksgiving, I am thankful to have a mind and the ability to choose what I eat. So many are not as fortunate and are grateful to have rice, a piece of bread (or perhaps a chicken nugget made of processed chicken parts).
When I see Mr. Tom Turkey laying on my family's table glistening with a fresh basting of his own juice, I will be thankful that my family can afford to buy a turkey and can sit down together for a feast. Thanksgiving shouldn't be a time to pass judgments or ridicule those who like eating flesh; it should be a time of togetherness; of wine and good food; of story sharing; of laughter; and most of all, it should be about being thankful.
Thanks, Mr. Turkey