Friday, June 08, 2007

Par-ass Swilton

Yesterday when I heard about Paris Hilton's early release from jail, I, of course, was immediately disgusted, irritated and pissed off at the state of our justice system. The following things in particular got my embers stoked:

- "Hilton had been ordered to serve a 45-day jail sentence for violating her probation, but the term was decreased to 23 days for good behavior before she ever stepped into the women's jail in Lynwood." (

- "She didn't have to endure the humiliation of a cavity search, which is standard. She was whisked through the intake process rather than have to stand and wait like all the other inmates." (

- "Paris was housed in the "special needs" unit, which is separated from other inmates and is reserved for police officers, public officials, celebrities and other high-profile inmates. She did not have a cellmate." (

Upon hearing about the "undisclosed medical conditions" I guessed she probably had an anxiety attack. I wasn't so far off. Hearing today that "According to her lawyer, Hilton was holding up in prison after her first night. But her condition deteriorated and rumors spread of her incessant crying, two psychiatric visits, lack of sleep and not eating." (; and additionally that she was "suffering from psychological trauma...doctors had been advising prison staff that she was on the verge of a breakdown."( only confirmed my thoughts that Paris is nothing but a weakling, who, when put in solitary confinement, freaked out when faced with her miserable self.

I have had it with the likes of her. I think she's a skinny-ass, untalented beeotch who isn't nearly as cool as America seems to be brainwashed to think she is. Her music blows, her TV show embarrassing and her catch phrase "that's hot" not.

And now - breaking news! She's been ordered back to jail, you say? That's great news...for the moment. I'll believe it when I see her spend her full term behind bars. I like the press coverage that claims that she was led from the court house screaming for her mommie after the court hearing today, with her yelling "it's not right!" (great opening paragraphs at:

I'm sorry Par-ass. I'm sorry that you don't live in reality. I'm sorry that you function in a plane of existence where small dogs are your full-time handbag companions; ribs-thru-skin are part of an outfit; having money and a party to go to is your occupation; and having to serve your jail sentence like every other law-breaking citizen is "not right". I'm truly, very, very sorry.

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