Sunday, June 05, 2011

Is it time for Nyquil yet?

It's the season of allergies, and colds, and wishing for the wisdom to know the difference between the two.

If I knew that the scratchy throat and general "feel like shit" symptoms were an oncoming cold, perhaps I would have played out the last 3 days differently. Instead, I assumed (yeah, yeah, ass + you + me...I get it) it was just allergies on a freight train from hell seeming to come straight at me for the kill. Hence my bender of an evening on Friday night. Hence the allergy meds I stocked up on and took like clockwork. Hence, my lack of 8-hour a night sleeping habits.

I said all week that nothing was going to keep me from my Friday night plans. Happy hour, dinner, then drinks and dancing? And 1/2 of that is on the company card you say? Hells-to-the-yeah, I'm there! Ain't no stoppin' me - don't even try. Then, BOOM. Saturday morning I wake up and feel like someone smashed a shovel upside my head. I can't hear out of my left ear. No ringing, no pain. Just silence. And my nose is running faster then a drippy kitchen faucet in the ghetto. My head: throb. throb. throb. And my brain: "Yo dumbass! 'Member when you were wondering if you were coming down with a cold? You gambled and LOST son. Suckah!"

So now here were are. Me, my cold and my nighttime jamba juice. I've been waiting all day to slug down somathat tasty cherry syrup. Ding! Ding! It's Nyquil time! BOOYAH.

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