Thursday, November 12, 2009

FB and Rain

It's been an interesting week not having a computer to come home to. I don't know about you, but I do find that my relationship with my laptop is like having a boyfriend. It's all nice, shiny, new and hardworking in the beginning...but after awhile you start to notice the glitches, the scratches, the dust, and you crave an upgrade. BUT, even so, you can come home to him and plug in.

Anyway, after dealing with the initial shock and anger that came with having my home broken into; realizing that my entire photo history of living a decade in NYC is gone; and knowing that some jerk paid a few lousy bucks on the street to buy my MacBook...I am finding that my mind is moving on to more important things. Like farming on Facebook's Farmville. After all, if given proper time and a good internet connection, I can harvest some serious crop! Who wouldn't want to virtually grow cranberries, corn and wheat? But, I digress. The rain isn't helping matters. When it's cold and wet out, all I want to do is curl up on the couch and mindlessly facebook away. There is none of that right now. When did I become so reliant on surfing away at home? I spent 7+ hours a day staring at a computer screen and then I go home and do more. Certainly this can't be good for the eyes.

Oh well. I must head home now. I guess I'll just plug into the TV instead...


Anonymous said...

Oh no, you were robbed??? I'm so sorry, that really sucks.

nycindyloo said...

Yeah. Last Thursday night was super stressful. 12 cops and still no thief caught. I'm not surprised though...